1. Symphonic Winds rehearsal with Tom Holladay this Wednesday from 1:30-3:15. Mr. Holladay is the director of bands at Jackson High School, and has graciously offered to come in to share his expertise with our students. Your attendance and FOCUS are expected at this rehearsal.
2. All Symphonic Winds and Concert Band students must have a plain white “tuxedo” shirt as part of their concert attire. Be sure to purchase “winged” collar, not banded collar, so they will fit with our bow ties and uniform. You can find these shirts at many local tuxedo shops, www.uniformalwearhouse.com, or www.bandshoppe.com. Prices range from $11-$18. Shirts MUST be plain white, winged collar, plain buttons(no studs or cufflinks). Also, be sure to order/purchase a shirt with a 1/4 inch pleated front. No exceptions! A “regular” dress shirt will not work. You will need this shirt before December 21 for the Palace concert.
3. Perry Band Boosters will meet on Monday, 11/8 at 7PM. Our final Marching Band uniform presentation will be held this evening. Come check out the new uniform!
4. Remember to turn in Jazz Ensemble trip payments to Mr. Smith ASAP.
5. The Palace Concert is scheduled for December 21st. Tickets will go on sale next week. Order your tickets soon as we are expecting a packed house for this outstanding event. This year, we will showcase all Pfeiffer, Edison, and Perry High School Bands.
6. The Marching Band calendar for 2011-2012 is already being created. Check the calendar page for summer rehearsal, Kalahari trip info. In getting this info to you early, we hope to avoid any scheduling conflicts with summer vacations!
7. Leadership Team will be announced in December. Field Commander info coming soon!
8. No school Thursday or Friday! All instruments should go home Wednesday so you can practice. We’re making a list of who’s naughty and nice!