1. Tickets for the Perry Band Scotch Doubles Night are available from Mr. Smith. Please get your orders in early for this evening of fun and bowling. Tickets are $25 per couple, and are open to anyone who wants to participate. Cost includes shoes, bowling, door prizes, food, and fun! Please see the announcements page for a copy of the flier with info! Not only will this event be hours of fun, but the proceeds will directly benefit the Perry Band!
2. Solo and Ensemble money is due this week! Solos are $15 and Ensembles are $20. Please make checks payable to Perry Band Boosters. Ensemble members should turn money into your group leader, and group leaders should turn in ONE check for your ensemble. Woodwind and Brass Choirs are at no charge to students.
3. We will be putting together a Pep Band to perform at the Perry Basketball game THIS COMING FRIDAY. We need your support at this event! We will meet at 6PM for a quick rehearsal before the game. Please bring any flip folders/marching band music you have from this past season. We will play what we can work up in our brief rehearsal. Dress will be normal clothes (but try to show your Perry Pride!). I can not stress enough how much we need your participation at this event. Please see Mr. Smith or Mrs. Martin if you are able to participate.
4. GREAT rehearsals by all 3 bands to finish out the week! We are all so proud of what you have accomplished so far this year. Now it’s time to put the pedal to the floor and get even better for contest.