The 2011 Leadership Team Retreat/Canoe Trip is scheduled for July 14th! We will meet at the Bolivar Canoe Livery at 2:00PM for an 8.5 mile paddle down the Tuscarawas River, followed by a cookout. Please arrive no later than 2:00PM! You will need to bring $24 cash or check (payable to Perry Band Boosters) for the cost of the trip. (please note that this event is for members of the Leadership Team only)
You will need the following items for an enjoyable day:
Comfortable shoes (yes…this includes flip flops or sandals for once!)
Sun Screen
Bug Spray
A good attitude
Waterproof camera to take pictures of Mrs. Martin getting thrown into the river
A light snack/beverage
Following the canoe trip, we will have a cookout/dinner at the camp site. Parents will need to pick you up in Bolivar at 8:30PM.
Please RSVP yes or no to Mr. Smith at no later than July 3rd to let us know if you are going or not.
For directions to the Canoe Livery, visit the NTR website at: