1. The Band Boosters are accepting donations for Raffle Baskets for the Scotch Doubles even on March 3rd. If you would like to donate, please contact Chris Smith.
2. Membership Drive information has been distributed to all students. Please check with your child for packets.
3. Winds rehearsal on Wednesday until 3PM. We will be working on Goddess and the slow section of Invocation. Please look at your parts ahead of time!
4. Basketball Band this Friday vs. McKinley. Sign up sheet will be available on Tuesday.
5. Roster information will be distributed to the leadership team in the next few weeks. We are looking at a HUGE band for next year…let’s work hard to make it a GREAT band as well.
6. Tentative summer schedule is now available on the website.(times may change, dates will not) Please view the dates and plan your vacations/work schedules accordingly. Keep in mind, if you aren’t at rehearsals, you will not have a spot in the 2012 show. Attendance this past year was “less than stellar” and is something for us to improve upon.
7. Leadership Retreat is also on the schedule for July 12th. We will once again take a canoe trip, followed by a cook out.
8. Students interested in auditioning for Field Commander should see Mr. Smith ASAP. Auditions will be held in March.