Dear Parents and Students of Edison Middle School 8th Grade Band,
Once again, CONGRATULATIONS on being accepted to perform at the 2013 Ohio Music
Education Association Professional Development Conference in Columbus, Ohio. What an
honor!! The Perry High School Percussion Ensemble, under the direction of Mr. Good, has also
been accepted to perform at the Conference. What a double honor!!
Our performance will be on Thursday, February 7 from 4:00 to 5:00pm and will be held in the
Hyatt Regency Hotel, 2nd floor, Delaware Room ABCD . Parents are welcome and encouraged
to attend this performance as this will be a once in a lifetime recognition of your child’s hard work
and talents by respected and educated music colleagues from across the state. There is no
charge to attend the concert. It would be absolutely wonderful to recognize you at the concert for
your outstanding support of our band program. Consider creating some car pools with your
friends to drive to Columbus to attend the concert. If you are planning to attend the concert
please see below a reservation form that you will need to return to Mrs. Martin as soon as
possible. The Ohio Music Education Association will provide a participant badge to all Edison
Middle School parents, grandparents, and siblings that will be attending the performance.
Following our concert the students may have the opportunity to visit the Exhibition Hall which
contains new instruments, music, accessories, technology relative to music and many more
items. Entry into the Exhibition Hall can only be obtained by showing your participation badge.
The badges will be distributed at our Pre-Conference Dress Rehearsal.
For those parents who are unable to make the trip to Columbus, Mr. Good and I have agreed to
do a Pre-Conference Dress Rehearsal Concert featuring both the High School Percussion
Ensemble and the 8th Grade Band. Each group will present their respective program that will be
performed at the conference. The date of this concert is yet to be determined.
Participant Badge Reservation Form
_________Yes, I will be attending the 8th Grade OMEA Performance in Columbus on Thursday,
February 7, 2013 and will need _________participant badges for my family.
Please complete this form ASAP, and return to Mrs. Martin. You will only receive a badge if I
have received this completed form. The latest I can accept the form is October 12.
Thank you!