With the start of Marching Band just around the corner, please read the following to make sure you are prepared!
1. Get outside! It’s never too early to start getting acclimated to the weather/sun. The more outdoor activity you do now, the easier those first summer rehearsals will be.
2. Bring water and stay hydrated! You are permitted to bring water jugs, bottles, Camel-Baks, etc to all rehearsals. Make sure these are filled with plenty of WATER to stay hydrated during rehearsals.
3. Block the sun! Bring sun glasses, hats, and plenty of sun screen. We will be spending hours in the sun…the more comfortable you make yourself, the better off you will be.
4. Tennis shoes! No flip flops or sandals at rehearsals. Your directors (and feet) will thank you.
5. Make sure you have all music in a flip folder with lyre. If you show up without a flip folder, you will not be marching. No exceptions.
6. Play your instrument! The more time you put in NOW, the more we will accomplish once rehearsal begins. Lost your music? Contact your section leader.
7. Get your band shoes ordered early so they will be here for pictures/HOF parade. We march in BLACK DRILLMASTER shoes for performances. These can be ordered at The Band Shoppe, or any other retailer you choose. Visit our “Supplies” link to shop for shoes!
8. Uniform fittings on July 9th and 11th! Be there or be…..without a uniform.
9. Now is a great time to sign up for private lessons with one of our local pros! Visit the Lessons link to contact an instructor.
10. Practice!
11. Be ready to show up with a positive attitude so we can be Good, Better, Best!
12. Go practice some more!