Unfortunately, we have decided not to reschedule the Palace Concert.  There are several reasons for this including:

  • The Palace is not available until December 23rd
  • Too many other events conflicting between Edison and Perry High School
  • No available space
  • Renting another hall will cost money:  The boosters have already had to pay $2000 to the Palace which is non refundable.

There are just too many conflicts to make this work.

The Perry Band Boosters will honor your Palace tickets at our annual Bands In The Round concert.  Just hang on to you your ticket, and it will gain you admission to that event for free.

If you need a refund, send in your ticket(s) with a pre addressed/stamped envelope.  We will get a check to you.

Of course, we will also gladly accept your donation if you choose neither option as the band program has lost money on this event.  Our Palace rental fee was $2000, and our recording fees are usually $1000.