• Symphonic Winds will be traveling to the University of Akron next Wednesday, February 14th. The concert will be at 6:30 PM in EJ Thomas hall, and is free and open to the public. Parents are highly encouraged to attend.
Schedule for the day:
6:45AM- Load buses at PHS
8:15AM- Clinic session with Dr. Sedatole- director of bands, Michigan State University
9:45AM- Observe clinic session for Massillon Washington HS
11:15AM- Observe clinic session for Nordonia HS
12:30PM- Lunch at Rob’s Dining Hall (on campus)
1:45PM- Clinic sessions by instrument with UA faculty
3:15PM- UA Symphonic Band and Concert Band performance
4:15PM- Rehearsal with HS brass and UA Symphonic Band
5:00PM- Dinner at the Student Union (bring cash)
6:00PM- Change into concert uniform
6:30PM- Concert at EJ Thomas Hall- UA Concert Band, Massillon HS, Nordonia HS, Perry HS, then Symphonic Band
9:00PM- Arrive at PHS
Dress for the day- Nice clothes.
Concert uniform for the evening concert.
• Jazz Ensemble will perform at Edison on Thursday, February 22nd at 7PM