1. Great work today at rehearsal! We need to keep working hard and improving. Show up each day ready to do your best.
2. A reminder that rehearsals for our upcoming 2 a days week are 7AM-11AM and 6PM-9PM. Be there on time ready to work at 7AM.
3. Dot cards for the football show are now available on the Marching Band page. Please bring dot cards to every rehearsal.
4. We will begin learning the competition show on Monday. Dot cards for the competition show will be assigned over the weekend. We will be marching a total of 9 alternates this year. If you are chosen for alternate status, please keep in mind that you always have the opportunity to work your way back into the competition show. Decisions are made based on: attendance, attitude, and marching/playing performance. Alternates will all march on Friday nights (unless attitude and attendance are a problem)
5. Emergency Medical forms are due no later than Wednesday. Click here to download form.