1. The last week of Marching Band is here!!!! Let’s work hard for a great performance at State Finals!
2. Winds Wednesdays will begin next week! We will rehearse until 3PM each day. There are no excused absences for these rehearsals.
3. Marching Band will be meeting on Tuesdays from 2:30-3:00 PM for Disney practice. We will keep it simple and get you out of here as soon as possible. However, if you are going on the trip, these rehearsals are not optional. You will not need drill cards or flip folders as we will be parade marching.
4. Friday vs. Glenoak: Doors open at 5:30PM, Senior speeches at 6PM. We will begin warmup at 6:20PM.
Pre Game will be in full uniform, halftime in Halloween costumes. Remember: School appropriate, and you must be able to march and play perfectly. Do NOT choose on offensive costume!
5. There will be a required meeting for all chaperones and trip participants on Monday, November 18th at 7:00 PM.