On Saturday, members of the Perry High School Band program competed at the Ohio Music Education Association’s Solo and Ensemble Contest at Massillon High School. Students earned a total of 66 Superior Ratings and 23 Excellent ratings. Congratulations to the following students who earned Superior or Excellent ratings at their events:
Sabrina Abrego, Sarah Bennett, Brandon Boughman, Seth Bowen, Joey Bowman, Shana Bradley, Aaron Brown, Nick Burwell, Alison Carr, John Condo, Allie Dahler, Cody Devault, Allison Dickerhoof, Madison DiGiacomo, Kaylee Dodrill, Dustin Doll, Amelia Duplain, Jacob Dyar, Nate Fete, Breeanna Flinn, Jordan Flinn, Tierny Ford, Austin Friedrichsen, Ryan Fuller, David Galica, Dean George, Ryan George, Sarah Glover, Megan Gongaware, Emily Grimes, Matt Grimes, Samantha Grochowski, Julia Habony, Jacob Hanes, Alexis Hendershot, Billy Hiser, Elizabeth Kahler, Claire Kendig, Blaise Kessler, Erin Kessler, Kelly Kistler, Logan Klick, Makayla Kopriver, Madeline Lacourt, Kate Lane, Erin Lenart, Sarah Lucas, Kelsey Lutz, Seth Marcum, Katarina Marinak, Danielle Mayes, Samantha Mayes, Alexandra McDonald, Jasmine McCartney, Kelsey Modlin, Adrienne Moore, Kayla Morrison, Jamila Mounts, Thomas Newbauer, Rachel Nizialek, Katie O’Malley, Alex Orians, Mia Owens, Hannah Pettiti, Laura Pipo, Sam Ramos, Nate Richeson, Taylor Rook, Sydne Rosendale, Sydney Rossi, Hailey Saint-Amand, Lauren Schondel, Liz Scott, Courtney Shoup, Alex Showers, Emily Slutz, Megan Smead, Madison Smith, Michael Spirnak, Jack Stern, Samantha Suarez, Megan Swihart, Khristen Wheeler,
Mackenzie Wheeler, Jake Zartman